Trainers & Consultants

Project Management Certification Training and Related Training. SmartPath LLC is a PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner(ATP), #3441. We the ATP badge for SmartPath LLC, and both Nereda and Mo Haque have Instructor badges. We taken them off our website them due to the consumption of our website.
This page has been updated on 7-31-2020. Verify SmartPath LLC's badge for PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P), 3441 Verify Mo Haque's badges, including Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor.
Verify Nereda Haque's badges, including Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor badge.
This page has been updated on 7-31-2020. Verify SmartPath LLC's badge for PMI(R) Authorized Training Partner (A.T.P), 3441 Verify Mo Haque's badges, including Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor.
Verify Nereda Haque's badges, including Authorized PMI(R) Authorized Instructor badge.